Curious facts about Guatemala

Curious facts about Guatemala


Origin of the name Guatemala

The name Guatemala comes from the Nahuatl word Cuauhtēmallān, which means place of many trees. This name was given by the Mexica, who dominated the region in the 15th century.

The city of Antigua Guatemala

Antigua Guatemala was the capital of the country until 1773, when an earthquake destroyed much of the city. Today, Antigua is an important tourist destination because of its colonial architecture and historic ruins.

The official language

The official language of Guatemala is Spanish, but 23 different Mayan languages are also spoken, making Guatemala one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world.

Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlán is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. It is surrounded by three volcanoes and is home to several indigenous communities.

Guatemalan Chocolate

Guatemala is one of the world’s leading producers of cocoa. Guatemalan chocolate is known for its unique flavor and high quality. In addition, cacao has been an important part of the Mayan culture for centuries.

El Quetzal

The quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala and is considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world.  The quetzal was sacred to the ancient Maya and its image appears on many artifacts and monuments.

The market of Chichicastenango

The Chichicastenango market is one of the largest and most colorful markets in Latin America. It is a place where you can find handicrafts, textiles and traditional Guatemalan food.

Pacaya Volcano

The Pacaya volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in Guatemala. It is possible to hike to the top of the volcano and see the erupting lava. In addition, the volcano is considered sacred by the Mayans and is a place of pilgrimage.

The Maya Ball Game

The Maya ball game was an important sport for the ancient Maya. It was played on a special court and players had to pass a rubber ball through a hoop without using their hands or feet. The game had religious significance and was considered a form of communication with the gods.

The Holy Week Festival in Antigua Guatemala

Holy Week is an important celebration in Guatemala and in Antigua Guatemala it is celebrated in a special way. During Holy Week, processions are held in the streets of the city and the streets are decorated with carpets of flowers and colorful sawdust.

The Temple of Tikal

Tikal is one of the most important archaeological sites in Guatemala. It is one of the most impressive structures on the site and is considered one of the largest Mayan temples in the world.

The marimba dance

The marimba is an important musical instrument in Guatemalan culture. The marimba dance is a traditional dance performed in many parts of the country and is a way to celebrate Guatemalan music and culture.

The Arch of Santa Catalina

The Santa Catalina Arch is one of the most iconic structures in Antigua Guatemala. It was built in the 17th century and is an example of Spanish colonial architecture in Guatemala.

The Dulce River

The Dulce River is an important river in Guatemala that flows into the Caribbean Sea. It is known for its beautiful scenery and biodiversity. It is a popular place for water sports and tourism.

Guatemala is a country full of surprises and curious facts. From its history and culture to its nature and gastronomy, Guatemala has a lot to offer. If you have the opportunity to visit this beautiful country, don’t miss the chance to discover all its secrets.

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